St. Anne's Mission
Thank you to Judy White for serving a term of office on St. Ignatius Parish Council as the representative for St. Anne’s Mission in Conne River. The Parish Council is presently seeing another representative from St. Anne’s Mission to serve on Council.
Saint Anne was the mother of the Virgin Mary and grandmother of Jesus Christ. Since the baptism of Grand Chief Membertou in 1610, the first Mi'kmaw to be baptized a Roman Catholic, St. Anne has been the patron saint of the Mi'kmaq people and her feast of July 26 has been an important celebration for generations.
Years ago the church would be decorated with evergreen boughs and purple wildflowers. Prior to a road connection to Conne River, people from surrounding communities would usually travel there in boats. The residents of the community would spend a great deal of time in preparation for the festivities
After Mass the community would take part in a procession that left from the church, went to the cemetery, around the beach and then back to the church. A statue of St. Anne would be carried at the front of the procession. Participants would cite the rosary as they walked. The route taken would be flanked by green fir trees stuck in the ground.
After the religious ceremonies, there would be a “Time”. A large fire would be lit to cook meats and boil kettles for a community meal, which would be then followed by a dance. A large fire would be lit to cook meats for a community meal and boil kettles. The meal would be followed by a dance.
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